Life is funny, mostly, don’t you think?

14 July 2019 in General

Life is funny, mostly, don’t you think?

Life is funny, mostly, don’t you think?

That is certainly true of my life and goes some way to explain how I came to set up Salt Solutions back in 2009.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation or place that we never set out to be, a place where, if we choose to see them, gives us opportunities, a place where we may need to dig deep to make the most of that opportunity.

I never thought I’d be running my own business, I always saw myself as a good right hand woman, the one who implemented the ideas of others, the one who shaped the business based on someone else’s vision, the one who solved problems.

However, due to circumstances mostly out of my control, (plus the fact I wasn’t getting any younger) I decided to go it alone. It was then I realised that I could dig deep to become the one who had the ideas, the one who threw away the rubbish ideas, the one who had new and better ideas and then I had to be the one to crack on and make them a reality. And that’s how Salt Solutions (Consultancy) Ltd came to exist.

Through this blog I want to share ideas, thoughts and practical tips to help you overcome some of the challenges you experience along the way. I want to help you develop your business, your colleagues and yourself so that you can go on to be the best version of you, your team can go on to work better together and your business can go from strength to strength.

From an early age we have all use communication to influence others. As babies we soon learn that crying brings us food, warmth and comfort. As children we find our feet with others by using smiles, wide eyes and clever words to make our feelings heard and more than occasionally screaming with frustration when things don’t go our way.

Fast forward into adult life and by the time we have finished school we have learned to conform. We have learned when to speak and when to keep quiet (not necessarily listen), and most of us stick to those rules. In fact many of us stick to them so well that if we aren’t careful we can forget how to communicate what we need, what we want and what our thoughts are.

Well, at Salt Solutions, we believe it doesn’t need to be that way. Working with individuals and teams and complete organisations we help everyone to find their voice. Whether it’s convincing yourself you are actually more than able to achieve that goal, realising you can absolutely deliver that presentation or business pitch  to that important client, or that you have the personality and leadership skills to manage and motivate a team of people we can give you the tools to do all of this and more.

I am always available to listen to your concerns, understand your goals and provide you with the best possible solutions and if I can’t help, I will know someone who can.

Why not sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch or simply drop an email to me personally via to arrange an initial meeting. It’s good to talk.

Bye for now.

Heather 🙂

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